Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how Quantum Trust Limited(with company registration number 3184230, and registered address: ROOM 1225 12/F China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) collect, use, disclose, and protect user information obtained through our website, mobile apps, or any other services provided by Quantum Trust. When we ask users to provide certain personal information, it is because the law requires us to collect, use, or disclose this information, or it is relevant to specific purposes. Any non-essential information you provide to us is voluntary. You decide whether to provide us with this non-essential information; if you choose not to provide it, you may not be able to access or use all of our services.

By using Quantum Trust services, you agree to the data practices described in this Privacy Policy. Quantum Trust may occasionally revise this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the law or our practices regarding the collection and use of personal data. If there are significant changes to this Privacy Policy, the modifications will be announced on our website or app. Before using your information for any purposes not covered by this Privacy Policy, we will seek your consent.

The latest Privacy Policy incorporates provisions of the Singapore Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) as we operate in accordance with Singapore's domestic regulations on the handling of personal information.

1. Information We Collect

When you register and use Quantum Trust services, the types of information we collect include:

1.1 Information You Provide to Us During Registration

When you create an account, you provide us with personal information (email address and password).

1.2 Information We Collect During User Identity Verification

To comply with global industry regulatory standards, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Know Your Customer (KYC), and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) requirements, Quantum Trust requests users to undergo individual and corporate user identity authentication for their accounts. This entails collecting formal identification documents, including but not limited to the following information: name, gender, date of birth, nationality, residential address, phone number, photos of government-issued identification documents (such as passport, ID card, driver's license), and selfies holding the identification document.

1.3 Information We Collect When You Use Our Services

1) Service Usage Information: Through your usage of the platform, we also monitor and collect usage-related information such as access dates and times, device identifiers, operating systems, browser types, and IP addresses. This information may be obtained directly by Quantum Trust or through third-party services. The use of this service data helps our systems ensure that all platform users can access our interfaces and provide assistance during criminal investigations.

2) Transaction Information: We collect transaction information, including snapshots of receipts, account balances, deposits and withdrawals (time, amount, address, etc.), transaction histories (borrowing, investing, exchanging, etc.), order activities, and distribution histories. This transaction data is monitored to prevent suspicious transaction activities, protect users from fraud, and address legal cases.

3) Communication Contacts: Investigation Responses, Information Provided to Our Support Team, Transaction Team, Sales Team, and Research Team.

2. Why We Collect This Information

2.1 To Maintain Services

We use the collected information to provide our services and verify user identities. We utilize the IP address and unique identifiers stored in cookies on your device to assist in verifying your identity and providing our services. Given our legal obligations and system requirements, we are unable to provide services without proof of identity, contact information, and transaction-related details.

2.2 To Protect Our Customers

We use the collected information to protect our platform, user accounts, and records. We utilize IP addresses and cookie data to prevent spam, phishing, and automated abuses like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Our analysis of trading activities aims to promptly detect suspicious behaviors to prevent potential fraud and financial losses caused by malicious actors.

2.3 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Respecting the privacy and security of the data you store with Quantum Trust helps us comply with regulations, respond to government requests, and address user inquiries. We will not disclose or provide any personal information to third parties without review by our legal team and/or the prior consent of the user.

2.4 To Measure Our Performance

We actively detect and analyze data to understand how our services are being utilized. Evaluation activities are conducted by our operations team with the aim of continuously improving the performance of our platform and addressing issues related to user experience. We continuously monitor system activity information and communicate with users to identify and promptly resolve issues.

2.5 To Communicate with Users

We use collected personal information, such as email addresses, to interact directly with users, provide customer support, or inform you about login, transaction, and security information. If we do not process your personal information to confirm each communication, we will be unable to respond to your submitted requests, issues, and inquiries. All direct communications are confidential and internally reviewed to ensure accuracy.

2.6 To Enforce Our Service Agreements and Other Agreements

For us and our customers, continuously reviewing, investigating, and preventing any potential violations of our user service agreements or illegal activities is crucial. In the interest of our entire user base, we diligently enforce our agreements with third parties and actively investigate breaches of our published service agreements. "Quantum Trust" reserves the right to terminate services for any users found engaging in activities that violate our service agreements.

3. How We Disclose Your Personal Information

We disclose your personal information:

1) For the primary purpose for which it was collected;

2) For a purpose that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances;

3) To any of our members, meaning any affiliated companies and subsidiaries may receive such information;

4) For business purposes, to our service providers and business partners, such as contracted experts who provide administrative, financial, legal, tax, compliance, insurance, IT, research, or other services to us;

5) Where permitted under the PDPA or other applicable laws.

If we disclose your personal information to service providers and business partners, we will ensure that they are aware of the confidentiality of this information, commit to respecting the privacy of any customers, and comply with all relevant privacy and data protection laws as well as this privacy policy.

We will not disclose your personal information for any secondary purpose unless we have obtained your consent, or as permitted or required by the PDPA or other applicable laws and regulations.

4. How We Protect User Data

"Quantum Trust" has implemented several security measures to ensure that your information is not lost, misused, or altered. Our data security measures include but are not limited to: PCI scanning, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology, anonymization, internal data access restrictions, and strict physical access controls to buildings and files. Please note that transmitting data over the internet or electronic storage methods is not 100% secure. Therefore, we require you to understand that you have a responsibility to independently take security measures to protect your personal information.

If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, especially account and/or password information, please contact our customer service immediately.

5. Accuracy and Correction of Your Personal Information

We rely on you to ensure the accuracy of your personal data and contact information. If there are any changes to your personal information, please inform us. You may update the accuracy or completeness of such information and request corrections to be made. Please direct all inquiries, requests, and notifications to

6. Data Protection Officer

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at